About zovirax pills for sale

Depending on the type of zovirax, the clinical picture includes pain behind the sternum of varying intensity and duration, dysphagia, regurgitation of food into the oral cavity, and heartburn. Diagnosis includes fluoroscopy of the esophagus, esophagoscopy, esophageal manometry, fecal occult blood analysis. For therapeutic purposes, non-drug methods are used (diet, prevention of increased pressure in the abdominal cavity), sedatives and anticholinergics, calcium channel blockers. Surgical treatment is rarely used.

Esophageal dyskinesia can develop primarily (in the absence of other pathological processes) or secondarily - against the background of diseases of the esophagus (esophagitis, hiatal hernia, diverticula and cancer of the esophagus) and other organs (systemic connective tissue diseases, diabetes mellitus, severe pathology of the nervous system, ulcerative stomach disease, chronic cholecystitis), taking certain medications. Dysmotility and the formation of primary esophageal dyskinesia occurs as a result of stress, disruptions in the development of the muscular membrane and the nervous apparatus of the esophagus. As a result of these reasons, there is a discoordination of the nervous and humoral regulation of the contraction of the esophageal wall, and motor dysfunction develops.

Depending on in which department motor disorders are noted, as well as on their orientation, there are two groups of dyskinesias. disorders of peristalsis of the thoracic esophagus and esophageal sphincters. Dyskinesias in the thoracic region are hypermotor (segmental spasm of the esophagus, diffuse esophagospasm, nonspecific motor disorders) and hypomotor. Violations of contraction are possible both at the level of the lower esophageal sphincter (GERD, achalasia of the cardia, cardiospasm), and upper.

The hypermotor variant of the pathology is characterized by an increase in tone and motor activity not only during the ingestion of food, but also outside it. In every tenth patient, this type of dyskinesia does not have a pronounced clinical picture; this pathology can only be detected during a random examination of the patient for another reason. The rest of the patients have intermittent dysphagia (periods of remission can reach several months), which is aggravated by smoking, alcohol abuse, spices, too hot food and drinks, and stress.

  • Diffuse esophagospasm is characterized by very strong retrosternal pain, radiating across the entire anterior surface of the chest, to buy zovirax online region, shoulders and jaw.
  • Pain can occur both during meals and suddenly, usually lasts a long time, sometimes stopped by a sip of water. After the end of the attack, regurgitation of gastric contents is noted. Dysphagia is usually constant, more pronounced with the passage of liquid food and almost imperceptible when swallowing solid food.
  • Against the background of intact peristalsis of acyclovir, nonspecific dyskinesia is recorded. pains appear irregularly, are localized in the middle or upper part of the sternum, are associated with food intake, are short-lived. They usually buy on their own. Dysphagia is uncommon. The hypermotor variety of the disease should be differentiated with cancer of the esophagus, GERD, achalasia of the cardia, coronary heart disease.
  • Primary hypomotor esophageal dyskinesia is very rare and is mainly associated with age and alcohol abuse. Often accompanied by reflux esophagitis. In every fifth case, this type of dyskinesia is asymptomatic, the rest register dysphagia, a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the stomach after eating, regurgitation of gastric contents, esophagitis.

Disorders of the esophageal sphincters include cardiospasm, achalasia of the cardia, violations of the contraction of the upper sphincter. Cardiospasm (spasm of the lower esophageal sphincter) is characterized by an increase in the tone of the lower esophagus and difficulty in passing food through its lower sphincter. Patients with this pathology are emotionally labile and irritable, complaining of a sensation of a lump or a foreign body in the throat, aggravated by swallowing and excitement, accompanied by a feeling of acyclovir of air and a burning sensation behind the sternum. If the increase in motility extends to the stomach, heartburn, belching are worried.
